She Prays First Podcast
Hey friends! Welcome to the She Prays First Podcast. This podcast is dedicated to helping you deepen your relationship with Christ and become women rooted in the Word of God. We’ll tackle day-to-day challenges like dealing with anxiety, backsliding, and building a stronger spiritual foundation. But that’s not all—we’ll also explore different journeys, including entrepreneurship, marriage, and life, through captivating interviews and deep conversations. So stay tuned and stay ready—this is the She Prays First Podcast! 🙌🏾
She Prays First Podcast
so…you’re a people pleaser | how to STOP and what God ACTUALLY wants
Follow She Prays First Podcast on Instagram for inspiration and encouragement: https://instagram.com/shepraysfirstpodcast?utm_medium=copy_link
Follow Jania on Instagram: https://instagram.com/janiaaliyah?utm_medium=copy_link
•Tune into the rest of the episode through the podcast link in my bio or my YT channel: Jania Aaliyah 💟✝️